In February 1967, Andre J. Meyer, Jr, a member of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was attending a boat show in Houston Texas where he saw an interesting little mobile vehicle. He noted in a letter to Jiger President John Gower that "the (Jiger) vehicle may have some interesting features that could be useful to NASA". Andre further states "My group is presently evaluating a number of design concepts for a vehicle to enable astronauts to travel over the surface of the Moon". John Gower was very enthusiastic about this concept and correspondence between NASA and the Jiger Corp continued. Engineers at Jiger began work on a new design concept for a Moon Vehicle.  Though further developments would be brought to and end with the sudden and unexpected closing of the Jiger factory early the following year. On October 28, Boeing was awarded the $19.6 million contract for the Lunar Roving Vehicle and delivered the LRV-1 to Kennedy Space Center April 1971.

NASA & Jiger

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