In October 1962 the US Army Tank Automotive Center (ATAC) held a demonstration to evaluate an abundance of new off road vehicles. The track was in southern Oakland County near Auburn Heights and Galloway Lake. The demonstration was part of a two-day meeting of the government officials to plan new vehicles that can be used in such areas as the swamps and jungle of Vietnam. One vehicle that amazed the spectators because it seemed able to conquer any terrain was a tiny, two-man, six-wheel supply vehicle powered by two six-horsepower chainsaw type engines. This peaked the interest of the ATAC and they contacted Jiger Corp to setup a meeting in December 1962 . The purpose of the meeting was to establish an expedited engineering-user test evaluation plan for the Jiger Vehicle. A Jiger vehicle was made available for display and limited demonstration at the Detroit Arsenal on December 11th 1962. Further demonstrations occurred throughout 1963.